worship as a way of life

josh was gone last weekend, so for church we stayed home and i shared a testimony with the kids. we prayed, sang, and read verses about the Lord being our portion and reward. earlier that morning the Lord had brought to mind a memory from twenty years ago, the time when worship first invaded my heart, in the midst of a trial, and it became a lifestyle for me—worship as a way of life, an attitude of heart. i played that pivotal song for the kids (it was “king of glory” by third day, by the way, and it was totally not my style of music as a counter-cultural girl! i’ve found God often loves to confound my natural affinities) and the tears streamed down my face again. at the end of the day heron came up to me and said, “mom, i think God is calling me to worship. not just on the worship team but with my whole life...and guess what! i worshiped God all day today, and He gave me so many inspiring ideas!”

we’re noticing a link here, between worship and creativity, and it is stunning to see our kids come alive to this reality. makoto fujimura has some beautiful thoughts on this—the theology of making, in his book “art + faith”, and in any interview you read or see of him, as he so articulately shares his own creative process and vocation as a visual artist, of making art as a discipline of awareness, prayer, and praise. “simply put, when we make, God shows up...” which we affirm and add a hearty “...and vice versa” ♡ // pictured here, heron in her dairy barn studio