hello, and welcome!

if you’re new here, HELLO! i’m michelle. i’m the daughter of missionary parents, wife of a singer-preacher, mother to five children (ages 4-14), friend of Christ. i live with my family on a small farm near the shores of Lake Michigan.

i grew up in a christian household, but more and more, as i grow older, my heart’s true HOME is Christ.

while i’m a fairly private person, i love hospitality. i’ve been keeping this blog, much like keeping a house, but i’ve yet to invite anyone inside. while you’re here i’ll show you our farm and flowers, and we can chat homeschool (all under the “little phlox” tab), but if you linger for a bit and we sit down in front of the fire with tea, i’ll share what the Lord’s been doing in my life (this “journal” tab)—that’s where my whole frame leaps to life, words flow freely, eyes sparkle.


(photos by my friend robyn ♡)