thank you

to everyone who joined us on saturday: THANK YOU! what a life-giving time it was for our whole family! josh enjoyed chatting while serving up coffee, i loved hearing bits of all of your stories while creating bouquets with you, and the kids were thrilled to make some new friends (bonus : heron made enough $ selling baked goods to buy a kitten!). i can’t believe our garden provided bouquets for all of you—it was like the loaves and fishes! but the BEST part was seeing all of you make connections with one another. seeing community happen, new friendships being formed, folks exchanging phone numbers...that brought tears to our eyes // i neglected to set out an email list. would each of you, our saturday guests, mind sending a message with your email address so i can keep you in the loop for future events? we are hoping to host more gatherings come spring (and...we may host a farm work party or two in the meantime) p.s. any other local folks who’d like to be on the list, let me know! elle {at} thenewdomestic {dot} org.