early spring perennials

in and around the garden : rhubarb, asparagus, mayweed + our neighbor’s wheat, allium, horseradish

the farm God gave us is an organic/permaculture wonderland with tons of perennial plants growing up year-round—swooping swales of fruit and nut trees on the back eight, grape vines, asparagus, rhubarb (and so much comfrey!), thanks to the 20+ years of hard work of the former owners, and we get to reap the perpetual harvest! our farm was the site of summer farm camps for kids, and weekly farm days for the children of the local catholic montessori school, as well as a CSA that fed fifty families. at one point it was also a pumpkin patch, so we still have cars pull up in the fall asking, “where are the pumpkins?!” hmm, now there’s a fun idea!